Proposal: Jewish Bronze Plaques for Denver's West Side

Many of us have dear memories of our Jewish experience in West Denver. Those memories were built by our families, the Jewish immigrants who settled Denver's West Side neighborhood when they came to America. Some arrived in the early 1900's, others fled to Denver for safety from the Holocaust. It became a rich culture that contributed to Denver in important ways for 100 years.

It makes me sad that our generation will be the last to preserve their memory. At this time, there is no permanent marker, public artwork, or historic district designation to commemorate their lives and their contributions to early Denver history. If we wait for the City of Denver to move on this, it will never happen.

It's time to change this.

I've learned that we, proud West Side descendants, can do this ourselves without official historic district designation or reliance on city government for approval, funding, or participation.

I propose we move forward now. I think it's important to do this for my grandparents. And yours.

I am getting bids for a quantity of bronze plaques that can be affixed to any private property with the permission of the property owner. It would be wonderful to be able to place them on the old buildings of Jewish historical significance. The plaque design represents the symbols of Shabbat and features raised commemorative text*. Below the raised text, each plaque will be personalized according to the wishes of its donor(s).

Suggestions to improve the wording of this first draft are welcome


Engage volunteers to help:
  1. Create website (I have reserved
  2. Find locations
  3. Find donors and other financial resources




Obtain mailing lists
Who are the descendants? family names, in memory of
Local Jewish organizations i.e. Friends of Shalom Park, Jewish Colorado
Jewish Social groups
Synagogue groups and memberships
Grant programs- PS You Are Here (a Denver County grant program) History Colorado


Influential leaders
Businesses with roots in West Side


I'm working with companies for final bids now and learning best mounting techniques, cost to install

Affix to Buildings

Hoping for a matching grant to cover these costs


This project requires a few champions and volunteers willing to help with above tasks.

Under Construction

Interactive website currently under construction, come back soon!

Melanie Kline
(granddaughter of Clara and Wolfe Karsh 1301 Utica St.)
Call or text 303-522-2874